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Thanksgiving Message

First and foremost, I'm thankful for my family. I’m very thankful for the time spent with great friends and family. Time, you know, is given to you. People take it for granted. You spend it as you get it. I’m happy to have it and I’m happy to be given more. 2011 has been a rocky year because I was met with health problems that required me to undergo a serious surgery, but all in all, it made me a stronger person for it. I was in a much different place than I was last year, and with a totally different person. Coming to a realization that I find myself able to do what I do and to have met the people that I have met have really put my thoughts in a different perspective. A lot of my aspirations were realized and I'm continuing to strive for what I believe in. I’m thankful for Hibakusha, man. It’s one of those opportunities of a lifetime to be directing an animated film that you helped create. Choz is amazing. And to think that this all started 3 years ago. And of course, 2012 has a lot of things to look forward to. I mean really, really crazy things! [For Thanksgiving], I’m going to eat a lot of good, savory food with the people I love. Think we're going to go traditional style as oppose to the Chinese or Korean meals we've been having for the last few years.

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